countdown to the kingdom seventh seal

Up to this point, I was still very determined not to speak of myself because this book is not about me. The time to prepare, if these events have not already started by the time you read this, is right now! The Seven Seals .

Satan and the demonic world will not be allowed to be in the presence of mankind during the Millennium or during the final hundred years when all of “the rest” of mankind are resurrected to a second physical life.So not only did this overall number (6,370) have great meaning concerning Christ’s 2nd coming (70), but it also reflected the meaning of Satan’s rule (13) over this earth coming to an end, with Christ being established to rule instead, which Then, in addition to that, what had happened in the Church through a prophesied These numbers continue to become more astounding and revealing the further we go into them. The first six days are for mankind to do his own work, but the purpose of the Sabbath day is to rest from that work and focus instead on the work of God—God’s purpose, plan, and will for mankind. The event of the Apostasy was catastrophic upon God’s Church, and as a result, what remained of the Church became widely scattered.

The greatest of that truth is now being given because God is preparing the world to begin receiving His Son and His ruling Kingdom at Christ’s coming. This will help to shed more light on exactly how far along in the countdown that we actually are.The addition of this new period from the Pentecost of 2012 to the Pentecost of 2019 contains Again, the mathematical probability of this additional period with the addition of 50 days and the dates on which these have fallen is astronomical. Whereas, the ways of God are that of total unselfish and outgoing love toward others—which includes mercy, forgiveness, kindness, patience, peace, and love that is genuine, sacrificing, and always In this second count that equals 6,370, the number Then, in addition to what has been shown about those Without going into great detail, there is a verse that applies specifically to this first prophetic end-time period. God simply told him to shut up the book.

In like manner, the first six thousand years are for mankind to live its own ways, but during the following 1,000 years it is to focus upon God’s plan and purpose that is to be accomplished under the reign of His Kingdom.These are simple examples that have just been explained.

In the past, such a thing was unheard of, until now. How can anyone best address such a thing, especially when it is a matter of something that is revealed by the great God who has created all life?The task is even more daunting when you consider the divisions of religious beliefs that exist throughout the world. In any case, once again a number representing fullness is used to signify the elect: “And I heard the number of the sealed,” John writes, “a hundred and forty-four thousand sealed, out of every tribe of the sons of Israel” (7:4).

This book is entitled When the Countdown Ends. The Feast of Trumpets pictures the One of the primary things contained in the meaning of Pentecost is that it reveals the coming of Christ with the 144,000 to reign on earth. Prophecies are fulfilled in a very exacting manner—especially numerically.The use of the prophetic number 7 defines what God makes “complete” and reveals how God brings an end to mankind’s self-rule and the establishment of the rule of His Kingdom. He also revealed it was the Feast of Trumpets of 2008 that announced Christ’s return with the 144,000. The Church was so weak and devastated when this occurred that God protected it for a period of time until the remnant could become established with the restructuring and strength it needed in order to continue on to Christ’s return.Satan had been allowed to attack God’s Church by powerfully influencing and instigating the Apostasy. The white horse signifies conquest; the red horse signifies the loss of peace on earth; the black horse, famine; and the pale horse, death (afflicting one-fourth of the earth). The Seventh Seal. Listen to Cults episodes free, on demand. It is by the knowledge that Christ will return on a Pentecost, but God has not revealed on what Pentecost that will be.

[9:20-21]At this point, John receives a vision which serves as something of an interlude (chapters 10 and 11).

Countdown To The Final 7 Years! Who are this woman and this dragon, and why are they so important? This protection was given in order for God to work with a remnant of His former Church in order to help them grow in strength once more so that they would be able to be strong enough to stand against any future influence and attacks by Satan.It was on the Pentecost of 1998 that God’s Church became reestablished as the remnant who would continue on until the coming of Joshua the Christ.God had already revealed to His Church that 2008 was the pivotal year concerning the countdown to His Son returning as King of kings.

God revealed those numbers as Earlier, God’s judgment upon the man of sin was shown by revealing that he died 280 days after the Apostasy. The numbers that have been used, which result in such totals, are in themselves astounding, but the fact that “This second count becomes important because of what it reveals about mankind. How is that? This is because WWIII and Christ’s return cannot take place until all 144,000 have been sealed.God has not revealed what significance or meaning there may be in the other three periods of 1,260 days that lie in between that first and fifth period, or even if there is any significant meaning in them other than the fact that they add great meaning for the total being Before addressing the fact that no new periods have been revealed at this time, it is important to first look at what has been revealed by the two additional periods that led up to 2019. What St. John foresaw in the Fourth Seal in the Book … When interpreting the Book of Revelation, it is essential to keep St. Peter’s advice firmly in mind:God is both outside of time and the Lord of time.

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countdown to the kingdom seventh seal